Mining Assessments

We have developed ergonomics programs to address the various Department of Mineral Resources COP’s pertaining to ergonomics. From fitness to work to TMM Risk assessments Ergomax Holdings specialises in mining ergonomics risk assessments. We have developed practical concise ergonomics risk assessments tailored specifically to the African mining industry. At each site, a comprehensive Ergonomics risk identification and quantification survey will be conducted. The risk assessment is completed using our proprietary Ergokinetics software which will ensure that the premises are surveyed objectively, with the purpose of identifying and prioritizing the Ergonomic risk areas. The quantification of the Ergonomics risks makes use of a combination world leading references: NIOSH, OSHAS 18001., Snook and Cirello Tables, USA – ACGIH: Hand Activity Level (HAL) and USA – ACGIH: Lifting.

We have completed various mine ergonomic risk assessments for most of the major mining companies in Africa. Our risk assessments are conducted in both open cast and underground mines.

How do we complete our Risk Identification and Evaluation surveys?

We make use of our self-developed risk quantification software, which references international standards. A qualified M.Sc. Ergonomist will assess every workstation within the company. The assessment has very little impact on the productivity of the employee.

During the assessment, we address manual materials handling tasks, include lifting, lowering, pushing and pulling as well as Ergonomic disorders that may arise from repetitive activities. The repetitive tasks analysed fall under the umbrella term Work-related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDS). The assessment of WRULDs is in line with the South African legislation as promulgated in Circular instruction 180 .The assessment will consider and quantify the following variables and present the findings in a concise user friendly report, which clearly identifies if there is an overall ergonomics risk as well as which variable/s are contributing to the risk.

  • Task variables.
  • Employees discomfort and/or pain.
  • The working environment.
  • Posture analysis.
  • Handling aids and equipment.
  • Individual capacity.
  • Absenteeism rate
  • Work organisation